Looking to add critical care beds?

Looking to add critical care beds? - Blog

When designing a new ICU unit, odds are you’ll have plenty of time and resources to determine the optimal layout for functionality and looks. When doing so amid a crisis, options are limited. When repurposing existing space into critical care units, you may not have the luxury of deciding whether to add a boom or headwall configuration for your medical gases and electrical outlets. Critical Care patients typically require above-average equipment use, meaning an increased need for suction and electrical ports. Supplemental oxygen is great, but you need an open airway. Wheeling equipment into a room is easy, but changes to the piped-in medical gases are much more difficult. Boehringer has been developing engineered solutions to expand your access to suction for more than a decade. We have several off-the-shelf solutions to quickly allow your clinician to perform all of their needed interventions.

We have engineered solutions that can support two, three, or even four suction interventions from one outlet. When looking to engage more acute patients, list out the suction interventions you may be asked to provide:

  • Airway clearance (Yankauer / Oral Suction)
  • Inline suction (closed suction catheter)
  • Nasogastric drainage
  • Chest Tubes / Pleural Drainage
  • Subglottic suction

Feel free to reach out to engage our field application engineers with the specifics of your needs.

About Author
Kevin Klocek
Kevin Klocek
VP of Business Development
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