Access to suction: converting MedSurg to ICU level care

Access to suction: converting MedSurg to ICU level care - Blog

As hospitals look for additional ICU-level care spaces, it is attractive to convert what would traditionally be step-down or MedSurg units into acute level care. Access to suction is key to making this transition seamless.

You cannot have acute level care without three sources of suction:

1. Closed Suction or Inline suction
2. Nasogastric Suction
3. Oral Suction

You can debate that three is the bare minimum. The next logical addition is subglottic suction; after that, you need to consider chest drainage. Based on the best available clinical information on the care and maintenance of COVID patients on a ventilator, three suction interventions have been the common denominator.

Many MedSurg rooms only have one suction outlet; this will immediately put two short. Boehringer Laboratories has developed a simple, off-the-shelf solution to address access to suction. We can take a single outlet and get you access to these three common modalities. Two suction regulators are provided to allow for the NG Drainage as well as Inline suction. A third Power Take-Off is provided to allow access to the high vacuum needed for airway clearance and oral care.

Interested in learning more about solutions for medical suction? Check out more Boehringer Suction Regulators.

About Author
Kevin Klocek
Kevin Klocek
VP of Business Development
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